Dai is a digital artist, specializing in monster and creature artwork. Growing up with dinosaurs and Godzilla, they remain an old friend of hers to come back to upon entering adulthood. Dai is also incredibly passionate about cars and aviation, leaving no stone unturned in learning about Classic American Muscle.

Dai Reyes Answers Our Questions:
Q: Who or what is your biggest artistic influence?
A: Dinosaurus and dragons were my first love and creative influences when I was only 4 years old. Most of my other artistic influences came from my childhood infatuation with Yu-Gi-Oh – I was fascinated by the seemingly endless monster designs! It inspired me to constantly create so many characters of my own as a kid. Monsters have always been my strong suit in art, I’d say.
Q: What do you look for in a piece? What makes it ready?
A: Solid character designs are my favorite aspects when it comes to making art. So long as the design is appealing, I’ll always have fun with it. I crave attention to detail. Most of my art can be pretty intricate, so when I believe all the proper details are there, I feel accomplished with the art.
Q: Outside of Godzilla/Kaiju Media, what else do you enjoy in your free time?
A: I’m very passionate about car culture and aviation. It’s been a huge part of my life thanks to my father, and it’s what you’ll see me talking and posting about the most on social media. I also really enjoy doing photography and hope to one day become a professional car/plane photographer.
Q: What is your favorite piece you’ve done? Is it featured on the site?
A: My favorites vary from time to time because my art is always evolving. But lately, I’d say my recent Titanosaurus art I made for a commission (that you can see featured here) is my new personal favorite. I really love how the coloring turned out!
Q: What’s your favorite kaiju? What made you gravitate towards that one?
A: Very hard to pick just one, but my main favorites have always been Destoroyah, Titanosaurus, and Gigan. Destoroyah has that scary, evil look that I’ve always been a sucker for. Titanosaurus has this pleasing, beautiful look to him. Gigan (specifically his Final Wars design) is cool, edgy and intimidating – hits all the right spots for my favorite aesthetics.
Q: Favorite Godzilla/Kaiju flick?
A: Another difficult choice, but I tend to gravitate towards the 1954 original, The Return of Godzilla, or Shin Godzilla. I usually like my Godzillas scary and dark.
Q: What are you currently working on?
A: Mostly commissions for the time being, nothing special. In my freetime, I just draw my OCs or whatever comes to mind and inspires me. I don’t draw kaiju as often as I used to, but I try every now and then.