For the past few years I’ve been doing fun “what if” movie posters as a hobby/therapy. The style in which they are done are a modified version of they methodologies used by poster artist, Noriyoshi Ohrai, in his posters that he did for the Heisei Era of Godzilla films. I started this journey with one I did for King of the Monsters.
In addition to the posters I’ve also been working on a fan-fiction blog series called G-Force Chronicles that continues the Heisei saga 30 years after the events of Godzilla Vs Destoroyah. I both write and do the artwork for the series. The Titanosaurus portrait that was featured in the first episode along with anything featuring Salunga & my take on the unused Toho Kaiju Red Moon are all featured in the series. For anyone interested it’s free to check out here at
As for currently, I’ve been working on 3 new pieces for next year’s art contest at G-FEST along side prepping G-Force Chronicles for its next batch of episodes which start going up in October. The first of the aforementioned 3 pieces is included as well, which depicts a what if crossover idea where Godzilla, Mothra, & SpaceGodzilla come into the world of Final Fantasy 16.
Please enjoy!
Scott Newman Gallery