Comic Review: Justice League Vs. Godzilla Vs. Kong Issue #2

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong

#Issue 2 from Legendary and DC Comics

Review by: Nik Christensen

Written by: Brian Buccellato

Art by: Christian Duce

Colored by: Luis Guerrero

30 Pages

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #2 arrives with a bang and continues to impress with epic scene after epic scene.

We immediately join with Superman as he attempts to reason with Godzilla, who responds with usual overwhelming force by tail whipping Superman through a few of Metropolis’ gleaming skyscrapers! The King of the Monsters treats Superman as if he were a superstrong ping pong ball!

As reinforcements fly in, it’s soon clear that the super friends are going to need every resource available to them, it’s all hands on deck! Interrupting their attempt to unify, Legendary’s MonsterVerse Titans begin appearing all over Earth. Scylla in Central City, Behemoth in Themyscira, and Batman declaring the monster terrorizing Gotham as “Camazotz of Mayan legend.”

Evoking some of the super events like “Crisis on Infinite Earths”, “Flashpoint”, and “Blackest Night” that have so richly shaped recent DC Comics history, this cast of characters within Justice League Vs. Godzilla Vs. Kong is vast and surprising. Green Lantern, The Flash, Cyborg, Robin, Nightwing, Hawkgirl, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow – all the usual classics show up, and yet, the comic continues to maintain that balance as pointed out in the review of issue 1. A favorite moment especially being a quick stop Wonder Woman and Green Arrow make on a newly appeared Skull Island that is sure to be ripe for wonderful action pieces in coming issues as we get to see a new set of individuals discover the “mysteries of Skull Island.”

In Gotham, Batman and the dark crusaders have managed to discover that the seemingly undefeatable Titans from a distant place aren’t that impervious and that some cunning wits and scientific observation can be the best tools available in this fight. Figuring out a way to save Gotham from the raging beast, Batman triumphantly congratulates his team.

In Metropolis, things are not going as well for Superman and Hawk Girl, as everything they seem to throw at Godzilla he counters or shrugs off as inconsequential, each hit making him more and more enraged.

When the issues pages are rapidly concluding, it is clear that this story is going to fit everything it can to make this fusion of worlds worth it by not wasting the valuable space of a short 30 pages.

As Superman begins to grow tired from this long battle he’s been fighting since being so rudely interrupted on a romantic night with Lois, an old friend shows up to help, yet his help just like the rest seems only to anger Godzilla and…


Has the man of steel met his match? Has Godzilla conquered a NEW Universe? Issue 3 is releasing February 21 2024 and I can’t wait!

Images used in this review are for promotional purposes only and are subject to copyright of DC Comic and Legendary Comics.


  • Nik Christensen

    Introduced to the wonderful world of Godzilla at a very young age the obsession with and power of the Big G never quite left Nik Christensen! With fond memories of places like Barry’s Temple of Godzilla and Toho Kingdom from the earliest days of the internet (LONG LIVE NETSCAPE!) he comes to Kaiju United to contribute to this project and help build a community gathering point on par with these legendary Godzilla fan sites! Of particular interest in his own fandom is the off screen exploits either in the various Comics we’ve had through the years or the numerous trade paperbacks released for the written rampages of the kaiju we all know and love!

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