Hello, Kaiju Lovers! The most cited man on MIFV, John LeMay, returns for his all-but-mandatory-at-least-once-a-season appearance to discuss the second Shaw Bros. film we’ve covered this season: Mighty Peking Man. This infamous cult classic was a favorite of director Quentin Tarantino, and it’s easy to see why: it’s sleazy yet weirdly artsy. It feels like an exploitation film at points—especially with the gorgeous Evalyn Kraft running around in nothing but a goatskin bikini—but the special effects are remarkably well-executed thanks to Keizo Murase. Since it’s John’s favorite “Kongsploitation” movie, that is the first of two Toku Topics this episode, with the other being the Peking Man fossil, which partly inspired this flick.
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About Monster Island Film Vault:
A podcast seeking Entertainment and Enlightenment through Tokusatsu.