Monster Island Film Vault Ep. 93 – Godzilla Vs Hedorah

Hello, Kaiju Lovers! It’s a full house (“full mecha”?) in today’s Godzilla Redux episode on the infamous but now-popular-to-like G-film, Godzilla vs. Hedorah (aka Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster). Daniel DiManna (Godzilla Novelization Project), Ben Avery (Strangers and Aliens; Welcome to Level 7), and Matt and Gratton of Giant Monster BS all return to discuss the strangest yet arguably most auteur film in the franchise. To say it kicked off the ‘70s G-films with a strange bang would be an understatement. It’s trippy imagery, bizarre monster, and psychedelic pop music all came from the mind of one Yoshimitsu Banno, who despite being rumored for years to have been told he ruined Godzilla, went on to help launch the MonsterVerse. Our panelists unpack that, the film’s subtle-as-a-sledgehammer messages, its co-screenwriter Kaoru Mabuchi/Takeshi Kimura, and much, much more!


  • Nathan Marchand

    Nathan Marchand is a writer and podcaster from Indiana. He studied writing at both Taylor University Fort Wayne and Purdue University Fort Wayne, earning both a bachelor’s and master’s degree. His first novel, the military science fiction tale Pandora’s Box, was published in 2010. He has previously co-authored the kaiju novella Destroyer with Nick and Natasha Hayden and Timothy Deal. He is the host of several podcasts, including The Monster Island Film Vault, which includes both film discussions and audiodrama segments, Henshin Men, and The Power Trip: A Journey through the Power Rangers Franchise. The MIFV website is and his author website is

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