G-FEST 2024: Kaiju World Gallery!

Kaiju United readers!

Check out our exclusive gallery of booths, vendors, and awesome collectibles that inhabited KAIJU WORLD this year at G-FEST! Passionate fans lined up almost all the way around the hotel the first day of the show… just to get their hands on the sweet kaiju goods! We’ll have some more footage of the line & the hyped fans soon, but for now, here’s a glimpse into KAIJU WORLD!

All photos are by Nick Crispino.

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What was your favorite part of Kaiju World? Did you pick up any grails? Let Kaiju United know!


  • Nick Crispino

    Nick is the kind of person who has a million interests but has no idea how to put them in order. However, out of all of them, his love for giant monster movies and nerd culture reign supreme. After watching his first Godzilla movie at the age of 5, Nick’s love for the Big G stuck with him throughout his entire life. So much so that in 2018 it drove him to create Kaiju Junkie, an Instagram fan page focusing on all things Godzilla and giant monsters. Not only has this page given him the opportunity to present panels at G-Fest 2022 & ’23 but it also allows him to connect with countless people who share the same love for giant monsters as he does. When he’s not geeking out over Godzilla you can find him playing video games, listening to his favorite music (mostly Rammstein and Gorillaz), or indulging in his creative personality with photography and video editing.

    View all posts Chief Operations Officer/Senior Editor

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