I work in production which means I spend a lot of time traveling. On these work trips, downtime is usually spent lazing around the hotel room or going out to eat on the company dime. But that wasn’t the case on my trip to Los Angeles this past weekend. I landed late Saturday afternoon and while on the way to the hotel, I was mindlessly scrolling through Instagram when I came across an ad for the 70 Years of Godzilla Group Exhibit presented by SpokeArt and GHOST X GHOST.
Considering opening night was the same day that I landed, and the gallery was only 15 minutes from my hotel, I had no excuse not to go. So I dropped my bags off and made my way to the Spoke Art Gallery on La Cienega Blvd where the exhibit was being held.
This exhibit is the first ever licensed Godzilla art show based in the U.S. and features over 30 pieces of artwork from many prominent artists including Bob Eggleton, Matt Frank, Izzy Burton, Jason Edmiston, and many more. All the pieces displayed were for sale, and me being the Millennium Era fanboy that I am, I couldn’t help but purchase a Tokyo SOS piece by Tom Whalen which is now proudly displayed in my office.
The night before the exhibit opened, Spoke Art also hosted a screening of the original Gojira at the famous Egyptian Theater on Hollywood Blvd. While I didn’t attend the screening, a friend of mine did and said it was an amazing experience.

With free drinks being served and some familiar faces showing up to enjoy an evening of chat and Godzilla art, the opening night of this exhibit was time very well spent and I recommend it to anyone in the LA area. The 70 Years of Godzilla Group Exhibit is located at 2754 S La Cienega Blvd, Los Angeles and is open until August 30th, 2024, with free admission.
Exhibit Gallery