I have been unbelievably excited for Mothra: Queen of the Monsters for months. The debut […]
Tag: comic book reviews
‘Godzilla: Heist’ Issue #1 Review: Typical Tropes Made Fun By The Big G
How does one stage the perfect heist? Is it the best gadgets? The sneakiest thief? […]
‘Behemoth’ Issue 2 Review: True Frights & Genuine Stakes in the Belly of the Beast
With Issue 2 of Behemoth, we’ve arrived at the main selling point of the book: […]
His Mother DO Really Love Him: A Review of “Godzilla vs. Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers II” #2
The Teenagers with Attitude ramp up their battle with the King of the Monsters in […]
Review: The World of Nebulon + Interview with Creator James Santana of TokUSA Studios
The World of Nebulon is aptly named because its four short stories/excerpts give readers a taste of the burgeoning universe Santana, co-writer Hunter van Lierop, artist Gaspar Flores, and colorist Carmine “CJ” Billotto are creating.
Electric Boogaloo: A Review of Godzilla vs. Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers II #1
‘It’s skreonkin’ time! With Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire in theaters and DC/Legendary Comics’ Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong winding down, IDW and BOOM! Studios (the publishers of Godzilla and Power Ranger comics, respectively) have collaborated once again in this sequel to their popular 2022 crossover Godzilla vs. Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers.