The long-awaited rematch is coming soon! Earlier this morning, announced the much-speculated about & […]
Tag: godzilla comics
IDW Publishing Introduces “Kai-Sei” Era of Ongoing Godzilla Comics
Godzilla fans have known for a period of time now that IDW Publishing planned to […]
Marvel Announces ‘Godzilla vs. Hulk’ and ‘Godzilla vs. Spider-Man’ Books for April
Hot off the announcement of Marvel’s initial crossover with Godzilla, titled Godzilla Vs. Fantastic Four, […]
Godzilla to Face Marvel Universe Again in 2025
Godzilla returns to Marvel Comics! This time, not as mere variant covers. Exclusively revealed by […]
Zord-zilla: A Review of Godzilla vs. Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers II #5
The final issue was delayed two weeks, which ruined what would’ve been some perfect “Ranger […]
It’s Catch-Up Time: A Review of ‘Godzilla vs. MMPR II’ #3-4
My apologies for falling behind on my Godzilla vs. Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers II coverage, […]
His Mother DO Really Love Him: A Review of “Godzilla vs. Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers II” #2
The Teenagers with Attitude ramp up their battle with the King of the Monsters in […]
Review: IDW Publishing’s Godzilla 70th Anniversary Anthology
Godzilla: 70th Anniversary mostly succeeds in acting as a big celebration of the last 70th years for the franchise (some more so than others), and if anything, serves as a showcase of what other creatives can do with the property.
Comic Review: Justice League Vs. Godzilla Vs. Kong Issue #2
Nik Christensen reviews issue 2 of Justice League Vs. Godzilla vs. Kong!
New Omnibus Collects Godzilla’s MARVEL COMICS Years
Now, thanks to an exciting new collaboration with Toho International, the Japanese studio’s U.S.-based subsidiary that has brought global sensation Godzilla to life, this host of monumental Godzilla escapades costarring your favorite Marvel heroes will be collected next year in GODZILLA: THE ORIGINAL MARVEL YEARS OMNIBUS!