The Giant Kokju Issue #1
Writer: Gerry Duggan
Artist: Scott Koblish Colorist:
HI-FI Letterer: Joe Sabino
As mankind marches towards its own self-caused doom at the hands of global warning, famine, and apathy, something arrives from the ocean’s depths to speed us along. The Giant Kokju comes to us from the writer/artist team of Gerry Duggan and Scott Koblish who previously worked together on Marvel Comics “Despicable Deadpool” run. Not afraid to get dirty, their giant monster creation Kokju does more than just stomp around knocking over buildings; it defecates, reproduces, and goes to great lengths to put the ‘Kok’ in Kokju. Filled with a healthy helping of gross out humor and ridiculous victims, Koblish’s highly stylized art showcases the helplessness felt by humanity from a massive being capable of shitting on them to death. The first issue of this 3 part miniseries is currently in your local comic shop from Image Comics!

Garry Brown Variant Cover