Brief Q&A with Kai-Zilla:
KU: What made you decide “Okay, I’m going to build a whole suit”?
KZ: When I had won the costume contest at G-FEST 2022, they told me that if I came back next year and entered in the contest with a new costume, it would be extremely difficult to win again. I took this as almost a challenge and I picked a character who had probably the most complicated design of any Kaiju in all of the Godzilla franchise.
KU: What were some of the challenges of constructing a full kaiju costume, rather than a traditional fabric cosplay of someone like a human character?
KZ: The greatest challenge of creating a Kaiju suit is being able to replicate the reference source. Mainly getting the scale and proportions correct.
KU: What was the reception like at appearances/conventions from people in the community? Is it taxing to be stopped for pictures at places like G-FEST, or do you have fun?
KZ: It is very fun to see the reactions of the people who see your work and it gives you a nice feeling that’s very rewarding.
KU: Favorite kaiju? Favorite kaiju film? Why those?
KZ: My favorite Kaiju has to be Mechagodzilla and my favorite Kaiju movie is Pacific Rim. Mechagodzilla has had some of the best and coolest looking designs in all of the Godzilla franchise, and that’s why I love it . Pacific Rim was the movie that introduced me to giant monsters and has a special place in my heart.
KU: On a deeper level, what do Godzilla/Kaiju Films mean to you?
Kaiju films have brought me true happiness and joy in my life, and I am very glad to be apart of this community.
Cosplay Gallery
Mechagodzilla (Anime)

Mechagodzilla (MonsterVerse)