CrypticCyborg & TheBrahmaBull Gallery

All photos by @darkfox_photography

Take a look at these epic costumes! Inspired by wrestling attire, CrypticCyborg_009 (Godzilla) and thebrahmabull_cosplay (Kong) have brought a truly unique spin on kaiju cosplay. We had the chance to get a brief Q&A with CrypticCyborg to talk about the inspirations, building the costumes, and more!


Godzilla: @Crypticcyborg_009
King Kong: @thebrahmabull_cosplay
Photographer: @darkfox_photography


Q: What made you decide, okay, I’m going to build these costumes? Why the wrestling themes?

A: I got the idea for Godzilla vs Kong to be wrestling-themed because it just fit so well to me. Two larger than life kaiju clashing just sounds like a wrestling promo already.

Q: What was the design process like?

A: I reached out to an amazing seamstress/cosplayer Vanessa Wedge for the jacket. after brainstorming the design. Then, I worked with MrTetrisCosplay on IG who makes incredible armor designs.

Q: What was the reception like at appearances/conventions from people in the community?  Is it taxing to be stopped for pictures at places like G-FEST, or do you have fun? 

A: People like seeing the cosplays. Some just geek out over the designs. Seeing the big kaiju fans geek out is always fun to see.

Q: Your cosplays are wrestling-themed. What are your favorite wrestlers?!

A: For me: Mankind and The New Day, the Undertaker
Brahama Bull: The Rock, Stone Cold

Q: Favorite kaiju? Favorite kaiju film? Why those? 

A: Favorite Kaiju is Godzilla; I just loved the lore. Going from atomic creation to walking force of nature in its themes captivated me.

My favorite Kaiju movie now is definitely Godzilla: Minus One, but for the classics, I loved Godzilla vs King Ghidorah from 1991, and any other movie where he fights Godzilla. Ghidorah was the first monster I saw fighting Godzilla, and I just found myself enthralled. Then, I just started diving into more Kaiju movies.

Q: On a deeper level, what do Godzilla/Kaiju Films mean to you? 

A: Kaiju movies meant a lot to me growing up because I was a big Power Rangers fan. I loved seeing the giant fights with the Megazord most of all. The Kaiju Universe gives me that from the start. Growing up, I just gained more admiration for the creativity side of things ( suits, model buildings, special effects). Can’t wait to see what kind of battles/team ups await the Kaiju movie universe in the future!


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