MARCH 6, 2025
Today, Kaiju United turns 2 years-old. 730 days of pretty close to regular, recurring activity. From the day of our launch, I never thought that the opportunity to lead this website and its plethora of brilliant writers and amazing community members would give us the amazing opportunities we’ve had, nor introduce me to some now lifelong collaborators & friends. On a personal note, it has taught me leadership skills in developing and mentoring community writers, professionalism, and keeping a tight, rigid schedule. I would not have a thriving workplace career without the dawn of this site, nor would I have an outlet to come to when I am needing an escape or positive outlet to come to.
No journey is easy. Of course there have been challenges along the way, as life & the world around us likes to showcase, but we have all stood up steadfast and conquered them together. In the face of adversity and hatred, we stand strong and positive as a force for good in the giant monster world. Everyone has the chance to write for us, no matter who they are, where they’re from, or who they love, just like they have the right to enjoy this media however they see fit. We may see forces try and tear us and what we stand for down, but it will always be met with positivity and productive conversation.
Whether you come to us for our reliable and prompt news, engaging and thoughtful essays/reviews/contributions, or in-depth and fun talks with various guests, I hope you have enjoyed the past two years of KU. Last year, to celebrate the 1-year milestone, we had a huge livestream featuring a bunch of guests. Together, we got to watch Godzilla Minus One take home an Academy Award. That will always be a treasured memory in my life. This year, we don’t have too many major announcements (yet), but I wanted to take some time to reflect on the time we’ve spent together.
Outside of the news, interviews, and whatnot, the core of Kaiju United has always been and always will be the dream of a better tomorrow. I don’t care about clout. I don’t care about the fame or glory. This site is my gift back to a community that has fostered me through the absolute worst times in my life with nothing but love and support. We will do cool things, but the core of it is to give back to all of you, selflessly. Our goals will never change, either. It is my desire to be as authentic and genuine as possible through KU and the people that represent it. Since the days of the small, tight-knit community Facebook group, Kaiju United has always strived to be the most inclusive space for our fandom and community. Many talk the talk, but I aspire to walk the walk. Everyone is welcome here.
I want there to be a kaiju community where everyone can love and appreciate the series as I have for twenty years without fear of weird DMs, creepy people, or other unpleasant things. I want Kaiju United to be the truest safe place there can be for all fans of Kaiju media. We can dissect the films and take lessons away from them, remark upon those lessons the films have taught us as we’ve grown (literally and figuratively as people) with the films. In the age of fandom ugliness, gatekeeping, and other hateful incidents that prevent people from enjoying the world of monsters, Kaiju United will always shine as a beacon against that. If you are guilty of that behavior, I suggest looking in the mirror and aspiring to be better. KU will not stand for it.
I’d like to thank past & present staff/contributors for their awesome pieces, thoughtful input, and drive to make KU the best it can be. Without these contributors, we would not be nearly as successful as we are today. You are the driving force behind Kaiju United, and you all mean the world to me. From right here in KU’s home of Salt Lake City, all the way across the country in New York City, and even abroad in Scotland, our writers and coverage is global. Our incredible work serving the Kaiju community has been featured in Fangoria, Bloody Disgusting, Slashfilm, Dark Horse, Comicbook, and so many more outlets. We are a cited source on Wikipedia in three different languages. And that’s all because of you. Your curiosity to examine these films continues to blow my mind and I’m thrilled to have such talent and generosity aboard.
I’d also like to thank our special guests for talking to us. From our wonderful independent comic creators like Frankie B. Washington and Ross Radke to the nostalgic foundations of our online fandom such as Barry Goldberg and James Rolfe, or legitimate Hollywood/film industry creators like Ryuhei Kitamura, Jeff Gomez, Jared Krichevsky, & Luke Sparke, the world of giant monsters sees individuals from all crafts and specialties do what they do for the love of the genre. Their talks have been fun, engaging, and often times, quite personable. I have gathered so many life lessons from talking to amazing and endearing people in our community and professionals that make kaiju stories happen.
As we enter a new era, please expect the same consistency and commitment to detail that we have provided you with. Right now, I think we have the strongest team of writers for KU that regularly come and go that we’ve ever had. I am so proud of how innovative, passionate, and ready to tackle anything our contributors are. We’ve made it a personal goal to review as many comics and movies this year as we can, even branching out to other fan-favorite things like Alien, Nosferatu, Jurassic World, and Gundam. It is my belief that keeping these vital branches and connective tissues to the community will keep us fresh, engaging, and willing to tackle other things in the future.
Before I wrap up, I would like to extend an invitation to anyone who would like to contribute to Kaiju United. Unfortunately, right now I can’t pay out, but we have an open-door policy for any writer who would like to come say something (without a deadline or anything) and then come back when they have the passion and drive to create something else. If you are interested in talking about toys, reviewing comics/games/movies, writing up news drops, conducting interviews, or expanding into new territory for the site, please get in touch with me. We will welcome you to Kaiju United with open arms. I’d be happy to have you aboard and to hear your pitches!
Thank you so much for coming along with me on this journey. I hope you have enjoyed what we’ve done so far and continue to see Kaiju United as the #1 destination for Kaiju fans. Stay tuned for more epic interviews, site coverage, and more!
Here’s to many more years as a community.
All the best,
Jacob Lyngle
Kaiju United