Spiral Studio Unveils Godzilla 2014 Statue

Spiral Studios has unveiled their newest Titans of the MonsterVerse piece!

Newest Kamen Rider Revealed: KAMEN RIDER GOTCHARD!

A new promo art has been revealed showcasing the latest in the massively popular and ever-lasting Kamen Rider series.

New GUWG Episode: Humanizing Kaiju! (With Streamofawareness)

Check out the latest episode of GUWG, featuring Streamofawareness!

Community Interview: Autistic Lizard Productions

From his YouTube friends, such as Gojifan1998, to even having Linda Miller, star of King Kong Escapes (1967) on for her respective movie, Brendan is truly moving the needle for community efforts in the world of podcasting.

GODZILLA-Palooza Film Festival Raids Again!!


Get ready to rumble on June 29 – July 2 when Exhumed Films and the Mahoning Drive-In present GODZILLA-PALOOZA RAIDS AGAIN!

ROAR WITH KAIJU UNITED — An Open Call For Contributors

If you have a love for gigantic, flying, atomic breathed monsters and/or colorfully dressed somersaulting super heroes in shiny helmets, as well as a love for sharing these pleasures with others through writing, drawing/painting, podcasting, or even playing music…whatever medium you practice…we enthusiastically encourage you to reach out and unite with us!