At long last, more than 40 since after Marvel’s 1977-1979 Godzilla series came to an […]
Tag: comic reviews
Review: ‘Godzilla Vs. Chicago’ Brings Local Flavor, Unique Styles
The first of IDW’s limited Godzilla Vs. America series is here! Featuring a collection of […]
Zord-zilla: A Review of Godzilla vs. Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers II #5
The final issue was delayed two weeks, which ruined what would’ve been some perfect “Ranger […]
Review: ‘Aliens Vs. Avengers’ Issue 1 – More Bark Than Bite
As a kid one of the movies to leave the biggest impact on my life […]
Review: IDW Publishing’s Godzilla 70th Anniversary Anthology
Godzilla: 70th Anniversary mostly succeeds in acting as a big celebration of the last 70th years for the franchise (some more so than others), and if anything, serves as a showcase of what other creatives can do with the property.